Wheelie Bin Cleaning Services
Texting Service
On the day that your bin/s are scheduled to be cleaned, we offer a SMS texting service. This is to remind our customers to leave their bin/s out & ready to be cleaned, and texts are normally sent between 7 & 7:30am. This optional service is free of charge and can be added or cancelled at any time. Read More…
The Cleaning Process
We arrival at your premises as close to the time after the council have been to empty your wheelie bins (normally within the hour). The first clean is always the hardest and can take up to 10 minutes per bin and normally has to be completed manually due to its condition. The second time we clean will be a typical clean, and this will take our truck 25 seconds from beginning to end – this is to clean two bins (2 x 240/360ltr bins or 1 x 600/1100ltr bin).
We lose less than 0.1 litres in the 60 litres of water that we use per bin as all the water we use to clean the insides of the bin/s is captured then recycled through a series of filters and sanitizers, killing all germs and bacteria. After the truck has finished the cleaning process we then dry (as best we can) and deodorise the bin to make it smell really nice and fresh. Read More…
Payment Process
All our customers pay by direct debit. Most payments are taken directly after cleaning, but if the customer chooses, we can take payment on a specific day in the month. Read More…
End of Day Report / Receipt
Finally, the process ends with a receipt being sent to the customer via email, or if we were unsuccessful in cleaning a customer’s bin, we send a report in which we also include the next clean date too.